RECTORIAL ACT 28/04/2010

To implement the decision of renewing the all structure of our University, in accordance with the most and internationally accepted standards, in order to better correspond to the needs and to the reality of the University in the present times;

In the sequence of the approval by the Pedagogical Council, Scientific Council and Curator's Board, successively, in virtue of the powers conferred upon us as Rector Magnificus and as President of the Curator's Board, by the present Act we approve the following rules :

1- From the present day on, the following will be the ACADEMIC RANKS and CAREER of the Pro Deo State University:

Level A - FULL PROFESSOR - For this rank a Ph.D is required, as well as an outstanding curriculum and experience in teaching to conduct B.A., Licentiate, Masters and Ph.D Courses and Thesis.

A Full Professor should have at least 4 scientific articles published in peer reviewed journals (listed in the ISI web of science) and have at least the same number of citations, or be the author or co-author of at least 2 books in his branch of Science.  

A Full Professor should preferably have international recognition, such as being member of the board of scientific journals and/or scientific associations, chairman at international congresses etc..

Level B - ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR - ( Equivalent to Chair Professor ) For this rank a Ph.D is required to conduct B.A., Licentiate, Masters and Ph.D Courses and Thesis. 
An Associate Professor should have at least 2 scientific articles published in peer reviewed journals (listed in the ISI web of science) and should have at least the same number of citations, or shall be the author or co-author of at least 1 book in his branch of Science, besides being member of scientific associations. Also should prove experience in teaching. 

Level C - SENIOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - For this rank a Masters Degree is required.

Level D - ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - For this rank a Masters Degree or a Licentiate Degree plus an outstanding curriculum in addition to specific speciality training are required

Level E - AUXILIARY PROFESSOR - For this rank a Licentiate Degree and specific speciality training are required

Level F - INSTRUCTOR - ( Equivalent to Sessional Tutor ) For this rank a specific speciality training and professional experience in the respective field are required. The Instructors can only teach under the supervision of a professor of levels from D to A.

2- The following will be the NON CAREER UNIVERSITY RANKS:

A- VISITING PROFESSOR - This Professor can have one of the Academic Ranks above, but is only temporarily member of the Academic Corps of the Pro Deo State University in order to teach a specific discipline, matter, course or seminar.

B- GUEST PROFESSOR - This Professor can be a member of the Academic Corps of our University, and does not need to have an Academic Career or formal Academic Degree, but has to be internationally recognized as reputed, skilled and experienced professional or expert in a certain specific field or matter. A Guest Professor can only teach under the supervision of a Professor of the levels from C to A.

3- The following will be the  ACADEMIC UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS

A- DIRECTOR OF FACULTY - A Director of Faculty has to be a Professor of Level A ( Full Professor )

B- UNIVERSITY COURSE DIRECTOR - The Director of any of the University courses has to be a Professor of Levels B or A

C- PROFESSIONAL COURSE DIRECTOR - The Director of Professional Courses conferring no Academic Degree to students - but only Professional Training Certificates or Diplomas -, has to be a Professor from Levels D to A

D- MEMBER OF THE SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY - Are members of the Scientific Council of the University all the Professors of Levels A and B as well as all the Directors of the Professional Courses of the University. Guest Professors may be specially invited to take part of the Scientific Council due to his/hers special skills or knowledge.

E- MEMBER OF THE ACADEMIC SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY - Are members of the Academic Senate of Pro Deo State University all its Professors from Levels F to A including the Guest Professors and the Visiting Professors in activity.


a) All the appointments for Professors will be done firstly by invitation of the Rector to reputed professors or experts in different areas of knowledge and from different countries. In case of open or vacant chairs or position which have not been occupied by invitation of the Rector, an announcement will be then made public by the Rectory, giving priority to the Knights and Dames of our Sovereign Order and State, if and when their academic qualifications are in even terms with outsider's applications for the same position.

b) In order to avoid non active Professors and/or professors in waiting for a specific chair to be active or created, the Applications for the Academic Corps of the University can only be accepted for a specific discipline or Chair of an existing Course, or for a specific academic appointment or an open existing position.

The present Act was done and signed at the Rectory in the State of New York on this 28th day of the month of April of the year of our Lord of 2010 and to it I affix my hand and seals in use by this Office.




We officially acknowledge hereby that the PDSU (Pro-Deo State University) is NOT an accredited institution in the EU!

The honorary degrees awarded by PDSU, or by any other universities – are Honours, (see WIKIPEDIA under Honoris Causa) therefore can not be introduced as a scientific degree in official documents issued in many countries of the world.

Season's Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)

Season’s Greetings

Dear Knights, Dames, Squires, Damsels and friendly Orders,

On behalf of the Government of our State and of the structures of our Sovereign Order, I have the honour and the pleasure of presenting to all our most sincere Greetings for the coming Season.

Season's greetings from the Grand Master

The Magisterial House of the Federation, in full respect for the religious options of our Knights and Dames, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of the United Nations, comes to express to all the greetings for the present season, namely for the following religions:

Partnership with the International Humanitarian House
Welcome to the "Transfer of experience V4 from their EU integration and transformation processes - children´s rights” project. This is International Humanitarian House project supported by the International Visegrad Fund (IVF) and implemented by our partners from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. The pilot project will be implemented with help of our Georgian partner - No.53 Public School of Tbilisi.

A szlovákiai Danubius Főiskola 10. évfordulóját ünnepelte a PDSU részvételével

Alapítása óta 10 sikeres oktatási év telt el a Sladkovicovo/Diószeg városban működő Danubius Főiskola életében, Doc. Ing. Djamal Gasymov PhD, az Akadémiai Tanács elnöke, és Prof. Mgr. Miroslav Danis rektor vezetésével.

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